Saturday, December 4, 2010

Nail'd (X360/PS3/PC) Review

Full Disclosure:  I’ve never loved racing games.

Audio Review:

Story:  The style of play Nail’d follows does not require a story, there for it is absolutely fine it does not have one.

Gameplay: The gameplay is not elaborate what-so-ever. Although there are a many features to customize such as you can choose the gender of your racer and change his or her outfit and you can also change the colors of your vehicle and the parts. Depending on what part you add your vehicle becomes faster, better at accelerating or handling in both the air and on the ground but these options do not add a lot to the overall gameplay because the changes you do make aren’t typically noticeable and when they are they completely downgrade another part of your vehicle, but it’s still fun to change the colors of your vehicle. You cannot perform tricks aside from a wheelie which makes the game bland and become boring quickly. There are also three race modes including a no crash mode, an unlimited turbo mode and a tricks mode. None of which are spectacular, the worst being the no crash mode which shouldn’t even be considered a mode, it is simply making a slight adjustment to the normal race mode and it is for the worse, half the fun of the game is being able to destroy other racers and you can’t do this in this mode. The best mode being the turbo mode which becomes boring very soon, you end up winning every race even on hard because the AI will not use turbo the whole time like you can. Although most of the gameplay is simple and bland when driving an ATV or dirt bike you really feel like you’re the driver. At times I found myself getting a little vertigo from going off of huge jumps because of the way the motion sucked me in. While going fast the screen became blurry as if wind was blowing in my face and while going slow the screen was focused and I could see clear once again.

Graphics:  The graphics are mediocre.  None of the game is beautiful but the sceneries and the maps are completely diverse. The maps vary from forests filled with trees on your path to an industrial construction site or from a huge desert to a snow caped mountain. The characters and vehicles are also mediocre and contain little detail.

Audio: The audio is hands down the best part of the game. The soundtrack is perfect for the atmosphere of the game and makes you feel like you’re at a real dirt bike or ATV racing event. My one criticism is that it is much too short; you could hear the same song three times in a half an hour period. The audio effects are also put together very well, but that is to be expected because the game doesn’t require many sound effects.

Replayability: After racing on each map once or twice you become bored and want more because it is relatively fun, the lack of unlocking more maps makes the game that much more boring.  Nail’d also includes multiplayer but it is not worth while and does not disserve much credit because it’s the same exact thing as tournament mode and doesn’t add to the overall experience.

-Perfectly put together soundtrack
- Audio effects sound realistic
-Many features to customize
-Unique and diverse maps
-The game is accessible to anyone
-Becomes boring quickly
-Only has one trick
-Mediocre graphics

Editor: Blake Everett
6/10  Solid
Value: $30.00

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