Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tetris (PSN)

Full Disclosure: I have played Tetris occasionally, dating back to the old NES game. I have never particularly enjoyed Tetris.

Story: As in all Tetris games, there is no story.

Gameplay: Tetris' solid gameplay does not change here. Dropping blocks instantly, as well as holding blocks for later use all work well and feel great. The real treat for Tetris players is the many different types of play there are in the game. All of Tetris’ many modes are great, whether it be Treadmill, Laser, or any other. Treadmill moves the entire set of blocks over to the right one square, making the player have to adjust to the randomness of the game. Meanwhile, Laser has the player racing against a laser (I think) that is slowly lowering down to the bottom forcing the player to act fast and think quickly. These and many other types of play are a very welcome addition for those looking for a new challenge in Tetris.

Graphics: The visuals in Tetris HD are as good as it gets when it comes to falling blocks. Colors are vibrant, making each individual block pop off the screen. The user interface is easy to read. The background images ebb and flow with the gameplay, and add a nice subtle nuance that almost goes unnoticed.

Audio: The music in Tetris HD is a mix of old and new. Taking the classic Tetris themes and adding a techno twist to them really helps set the tone for the game. It does a great job of sounding like how Tetris should sound , yet reminds the player that this is the 21st century and that Tetris has evolved with the times.

Replayability: This is a game for hardcore Tetris fans. With well over 20 modes and 15 levels in each mode there should be nothing that would make die-hard Tetris players want to put this game down. Online multiplayer is another great reason to keep playing; pitting yourself against the best in the world offers a completely new challenge. Moreover, online leaderboards are included with every level of every game type so you can see exactly how you match up with everyone and try to beat your friends’ scores.

  • Lots of variety and challenge
  • Solid controls
  • Online multiplayer

  • Won't appeal to new players

Senior Editor: Raymond Segal

7/10 Good
$10 (Full Price)

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